Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"How to protect your Space"

“The Sentry of Protection”-
Sculpture that is spiritually charged.
These pieces are ignited with energy after a known spiritualist prayed with a group, over them.
It changed my space and visitor out come to a more positive-fun atmosphere.
For further information please contact-
Ballard Road Art Studio, Gallery & Sculpture Farm-
Wilton NY (7 miles outside of Saratoga NY).
Email- ballardrdart@nycap.rr.com
P.S. – we welcome all visitors

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Scorates Sculpture Park & M. di Surver'os Space

We greatly enjoyed a trip visiting NY City and the Socrates Sculpture Park.
I believe working there on the city’s skyline must be invigorating.
While we were there a tugboat brought a ship into the harbor. The birds all played to there own tune. The cities seem so quiet and picturesque. Enjoy!

Friday, April 24, 2009

miChelle's Really Flaming with Airbrush

Real Flames Just Finished - 4/20/09
miChelle Vara
Ballard Road Art Studio Gallery

Henry Hudson And the Half Moon Sculpture


Henry Hudson is depicted through recycled metal to including his ship and map. The larger than life sculpture is kinetic and ties many aspects of local history in the use of antique discarded tools and parts welded together. The sculpture encompasses things of the past into the present in an educational manner. The sculptor miChelle M. Vara found the local history very enticing which lead to the sculpture. The Henry Hudson the sculpture will be on display at the Ballard Road Art Studio Gallery until June at which point it will be included in the Edward Hoper House art show in Nyack NY. The sculptor had hoped to display the piece locally in Albany but did not find an exhibit space.

For further information
6 Ballard Road Art Studio Gallery –518-587-8706
Wilton NY
Email- ballardrdart@nycap.rr.com