Post Star published today that officials are going to look again at the application for quarry on Battle Hill in Fort Ann NY. To read the story please follow link-
Sorry they have moved the story this is just some summery. I'll post the news papers (November 28th in Local/ Region) vershion when I get a chance to write it.
So Thank you all for responding to this important issue. But Do not Stop as its not over yet! Keep your ears to the ground and keep after officials call me with any new news and I'll pass it along to every one who is interested!
Thanks again! KEEP UP THE GOOD Community Work!!!
Detail of sculpture depicting General Knox bringing supplies towards Saratoga Battle Field. Vara used the great painting “Noble Train of Artillery” by Tom Lovell 1909 as reference. The sculpture its self is much larger and can be seen in person on rt4 in Schuylerville NY.