Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HOW TO - Writing for artist, from the artist perspective..

 In this reflection, I have come to realize how hard it for me to work the words, yet seemingly easy or better said; comfortable, is emotions/ thoughts to visual works. With this comes the exploration of how to better the process of writing for and about the art from the artist stand point.


The duration of visual information, needs the opportunity of time to come to full fruition of words. For me the creative vortex of energy demands the separation of time, to settle into verbal cortex, and at that point in process allows the words to come. In realizing this you must also except that the world’s instamatic pressure cannot be allowed into the equation. So as a producing, money making artist you must allow your work to speak for its self for a short time. Make it all about you the artist displaying and live with the piece personally. In this it will speak to you successfully, allowing you to express the true identity of your art thru the words.

I am fully aware of how important the world feels about the words. The artist must remember that the creation of work, for us is the only importance. The onlooker will always look for comfort as that is the normal human condition. No 2 people should feel the same about a piece, but the onlooker uses the ease of the words of yours and others to sooth them into acceptance or disapproval of the work.

We as artist should Keep hold of the process of creation.

It is all about the visual outcome.

 Let go of what everyone thinks, feed your art soul!
 – “LIVE your DREAMS, and time shall not be wasted”

-Oleg Moston Said to me every time we parted company.


  I reflect on things of art and creation.