Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sculpture on the Move

It was a long week----
A new sculptural piece called Murphy finished.
Now showing 6/26/09 - 3 pieces at the Flories Gallery on Broadway in Saratoga NY.
A 1000 lb base was made and all the bird bases.
The sculpture Henry Hudson and the Half Moon re-painted and loaded.
The truck & trailer loaded to go to Kingston’s and installed Life & HH.
For the July 4th Opening. Which all are welcome to attend; there are family events snacks and of course sculpture.

A newspaper article from the Saratogian 6/25/09

A channel 9 news spot

Then on Saturday I went to NJ were we had a family gathering spent time with my longest known friend that was all awesome.
The new family additions of nieces & nephews from all corners of the country are well and growing very rapid.
Did time on the Boardwalk and the beach. Over eat, enjoyed a NJ ice cream bar.
I think I crammed it all in and had a wonderful time in fast-forward.

Yesterday we worked in a crazy rainstorm on the Lake George then off to the steamboats at lock 5 for the Quadricentennial.

To finish the night with a good barbequed steak made by good friends.