Sunday, November 21, 2010

Albany Center Gallery Gala- 2 Marvelous 4 Words

Fun Fun Fun and all to keep a good cause moving forward with the arts.
I decided to take pictures about the shoes and things others would'nt. to add a different perspective to the event. It was really fun and we met some new people. I think next year you should join us..............

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Art and Social event of the year-

Albany Center Gallery Gala- November 20th 6 to 10 pm
“Too Marvelous for Words”

a Benefit for Albany Center Gallery

Honoring William Harris Esq. and Holly Katz.
Sturday November 20th 2010, 6 to 10pm

Les Urbach Lifetime Achievement

at the State Room formerly known as th Dewitt Clinton Hotel Ballroom
142 State Street Albany NY

Tickets avail at the door

Gala Attire, vintage revival
Music by Shayfer James and the Vintage DJ.
Hors d’oeuvres, gourmet carving stations, decadent deserts, select open bar.
